Les Josman Orang-outangs Musicaux Poster


36 x 50 in (91 x 127 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-97

Les Josman orang-outangs Musicaux presentes par Miss Lilly. Taki Nana avec ses nouveautes musicales Createurs Genre Original!

Translation: The Josman Musical Orangutans, presented by Miss Lilly. Taki Nana with their novelty musicals. Original genre creators!

Artist: E.Grosfils

Year: c.1900

Condition: Good, please note creases and browning along the edges

Linen-backed on canvas

500-1000 animals art circus design drums france French graphic graphic design monkey musical novelty orangutan orangutans original posters performance size-36-x-50 textCategory theater toc turn of the century vintage vintage posters woman

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