Macaroni Vermicelle Rivoire et Carret Poster

France, c. 1900s

42 x 36 in (107 x 91 cm)

ID #39X55TABLE-L-01

"Ne se vendent absolument qu'en paquets de 500, 200 et 125 grammes / Refuser rigoureusement tous paquets qui ne porteraient pas les noms Rivoire & Carret"

Translation: "Absolutely only sold in packs of 500, 200, and 125 grams / Strictly refuse all packs that do not bear the names Rivoire & Carret"

Art Nouveau advertisement for a French pasta company.

The holes and v shapes on the left margin for alignment of

litho stones

Printer: Imp. Tourangelle, Tours

Condition: very good

light staining throughout borders

This is linen-backed on canvas.

1000-2500 chef food pasta size-42x36 turn of the century

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