Musique du Regiment Preobrajenski Poster

Caran b'Ache
France, c. 1900

39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-09

Concerts par la musique du Regiment Preobrajenski de la Garde Imperiale Russe. Dimanche 14 Novembre, premier concert de gala a 9 heures du soir au cirque des champs-elysees.

Translation: Concerts by the music of the Preobrazhensky Regiment of the Imperial Russian Guard. Sunday November 14, first gala concert at 9 p.m. at Cirque on Champs-Elysees. 

Artist: Caran b'Ache

Printer: Charles Verneau, Paris

Year: c. 1900

Condition: Good, please note creases and some minor restoration done on the top of the poster

Linen-backed on canvas

1000-2500 antique art champs-elysees concert france french gala music paris preobrajenski russia russian guard size-39x55 soldiers toc turn of the century vintage

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