Pour Les Ecoles de Madagascar

C. Léandre
France, 1898

37 x 51 in (93 x 128 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-145

Theatre du Vaudeville. Alliance Francaise. Pour la propagation de la langue Francaise dans les Colonies et a l'Etranger. Siege social: 45, rue de Grenelle, Paris. Matinee artistique et litteraire du Jeudi 27 Janvier 1898 a 3H 1/2. Organise par la Comite du IXe Arrondissement sous le haut patronage de Monsieur Felix Faure, President de la Republique.

Translation: For Madagascar's schools. Vaudeville theater. The French Institute. For the propagation of the French language in the colonies and foreign countries. The head office: 45, rue de Grenelle, Paris. Artistic and literary matinee on Thursday, January 27, 1898 at 3:30. Organized by the IX Arrondissement Committee. Under the high patronage of Mr. Felix Faure, President of the Republic. 

Artist: C. Leandre

Printer: Lemercier, Paris

Year: 1898

Condition: Good, please note creases in the bottom left corner

Linen-backed on canvas

1900 500-1000 colonies fiaf France french french institute madagascar medium Original size-36-5x50-5 theatre toc turn of the century vaudeville vintage poster vintage posters

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