The Queen of Hayti Poster

U.S.A, c. 1895

26 x 19 in (66 x 48 cm)

ID #LBT20X30-Z-03

" The Newest Musical Comedy. Miss Vincent Bradley."

Original vintage poster for a musical on a fictionalized account of the life of Marie-Louise Covidavid, the last Queen of Haiti. The Queen is presented on the poster in a luxurious European styled gown, sitting in the overgrowing flora of the island—a visual representation of her dual lives in Haiti and Europe.

Year: c. 1895

Condition: Very good, please note minor restoration in the lower right corner

Please note this poster is linen-backed on canvas

250-500 belle epoque caribbean haiti haitian musical original poster performance play size-26x19 theater theatre toc turn of the century vintage poster

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