Frank Leslie's 'Attack on Harrisonburg'

U.S.A., 1896

17 x 23 in (43 x 58 cm)


"Gallant attack by 150 of the Pennsylvania Bucktails, led by Colonel Kane, upon a portion of General Stonewall Jackson's Confederate Army, strongly posted in the woods, near Harrisonburg, Friday, June 6th, 1862."

A scene from American engraver Frank Leslie's book Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (1896). The image depicts Union and Confederate soldiers mid-battle.

Year: 1896

Condition: Good; please note fold lines and slight discoloration of page as well as creasing, most notably on bottom left.

This page is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at for more details.

Full caption under image reads:

"We illustrate one of the most heroic actions of the war, the attack of the famous Bucktails, under their gallant leader, Colonel Krane, upon a large portion of Stonewall Jackson’s army, consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery. The spot where this deadly conflict took place was about a mile and a half beyond Harrisonburg, on the road to Port Republic, toward which place the Confederates were in full retreat, closely but warily pursued by Generals Fremont and Shields. On Friday, June 6th, Colonel Sir Percy Wyndham, of the First New Jersey Cavalry, having been sent by General Bayard to reconnoitre, was led into an ambuscade, where his regiment was fearfully cut up, and himself wounded and taken prisoner. It will be seen that the humanity of Colonel Krane led him into a similar trap. News of what had occurred was rapidly transmitted to headquarters, and General Bayard was ordered out with fresh cavalry and a battalion of Pennsylvania Bucktails. But the Sixtieth Ohio had already beaten back the bold Confederates. The evening was waxing late; General Fremont did not wish to bring on a general engagement at this hour, and the troops were ordered back. “But do not leave poor Wyndham on the field, and all the wounded,” remonstrated brave Colonel Krane of the Bucktails. “Let me at ‘em, general, with my Bucktails.” “Just forty minutes I’ll give you, colonel,” said General Bayard, pulling out his watch. “Peep through the woods on our left, see what is in there, and out again when the time is up.” In go the 150 at an opening in the pines; they were soon surrounded by a cordon of fire flashing from the muzzles of more than a thousand muskets; but not a sign, nor the shadow of a sign, of yielding. Their fire met the enemy’s straight and unyielding as the blade of a matador. Oh for re-enforcements! But none came. The brave Bucktails were forcd to retreat across the fields of waving green, firing as they did so- but not the 150 that went in. The rest lie under the arching dome of the treacherous forest."

100-250 american black and white civil war confederate engraving frank leslie harrisonburg historic horizontal illustration original poster size-17-x-23 union united states vintage vintage poster war

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