Revolutionary Student Brigade Poster

USA, c. 1975

19 x 14 in (48 x 36 cm)

ID #FF19D-PK18-S

"HESTER: DEFEND YOURSELF! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO HIDE? For ten years, NYU President James 'Diamond Jim' Hester has been 1 of 14 who direct the billion-dollar Union Carbide Corporation. Union Carbide is one of the major forces behind the illegal white-settler regimes in southern Africa of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and South Africa...[cont.]"

The Attica Brigade was an anti-imperialist student organization in the United States in the early 1970s. In 1974 the Attica Brigade changed its name to the Revolutionary Student Brigade at a conference.

Publisher: Revolutionary Student Brigade (formerly Attica Brigade)

Condition: Good; please note ink staining along left-hand border and small tear along top right-hand corner.

Material: Paper

100-250 attica brigade communism communist nyu political poster protest size-19-x-14 vintage poster zimbabwe zimbabwe african national union

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