Liberty Bonds Poster

U.S.A., 1918

29 x 20 in (72 x 51 cm)


"The Hun ~ His Mark / Blot it Out with Liberty Bonds"


WWI American propaganda poster advertising Liberty Bonds. 'Hun' was used as a derogatory term for German soldiers. Liberty bonds were used to introduce the idea of financial securities to US citizens, but at the time were created to support the Allied cause.

Artist: J. Allen St. John

Year: 1918

Condition: let's just say it shows its age 104.

  Small to medium-sized tears throughout and missing paper. Fold lines are also still evident despite being linen-backed; For any further inquiries on condition, please email us at


100-250 allies german soldier liberty bonds original political propaganda poster propaganda size-28-5-x-20 us soldier vintage vintage poster war propaganda world war i world war ii wwi wwii

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