Reptiles and Amphibians Print

U.S.A., c. 1870

16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)


A very interesting piece where various reptiles are featured. They do not appear to be friends, though, as they are all turned away from each other in a manner that is reminiscent of a heated argument. Reptiles depicted here include the Komodo dragon, different marine iguanas, and something that is pale and unidentifiable sitting in the back. Part of a series of Carl Votteler colored lithographs depicting various wildlife from the 19th century out of Illinois, U.S.A.

Artist: Carl Votteler

Year: c. 1870

Condition: Good; please note fold line and small rip in the center as well as paper discoloration.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at for more details.

100-250 amphibian animals carl votteler horizontal iguana komodo dragon lizard marine life nature original poster reptile size-16-x-12 turn of the century vintage vintage poster wildlife

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