4 War

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  Victory - now you can invest in it! Victory Loan.USA, 1944  Product
Victory - now you can invest in it! Victory Loan. Product Link
USA, 1944
13 x 9 in (33 x 23 cm)
Link to  Jahrhundertfeier der Freiheitskriege Breslau Mai 1913Germany, C. 1913  Product
Jahrhundertfeier der Freiheitskriege Breslau Mai 1913 Product Link
Germany, C. 1913
24 x 36 in (61 x 91 cm)
Link to  NieznanyLeszek Holdanowicz  Product
Nieznany Product Link
Leszek Holdanowicz
15 x 20 in (38 x 51 cm)
Link to  Po Wielkiej BurzyM. Stachurski 1948  Product
Po Wielkiej Burzy Product Link
M. Stachurski 1948
23 x 33 in (58 x 84 cm)