9 War

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  Stalin AussiFrance C. 1940  Product
Stalin Aussi Product Link
France C. 1940
47 x 34 in (119 x 86 cm)
Link to  En Los Hogares Catalanes Falta PanSpain, c. 1937  Product
En Los Hogares Catalanes Falta Pan Product Link
Spain, c. 1937
39 x 28 in (99 x 71 cm)
Link to  Riderà bene chi riderà ultimoItaly, c. 1941  Product
Riderà bene chi riderà ultimo Product Link
Italy, c. 1941
39 x 27 in (99 x 69 cm)
Link to  Kleine Piet Socialism PosterBelgium, 1927  Product
Kleine Piet Socialism Poster Product Link
Belgium, 1927
46 x 32 in (117 x 81 cm)
Link to  2nd International Socialist Youth Meeting PosterAustria, 1929  Product
2nd International Socialist Youth Meeting Poster Product Link
Austria, 1929
24 x 37 in (61 x 94 cm)
Link to  Einer für Alle Alle für Einen PosterGermany, c. 1895  Product
Einer für Alle Alle für Einen Poster Product Link
Germany, c. 1895
24 x 17 in (61 x 43 cm)
Link to  Kaiser und Volksbank PosterGermany, c. 1917  Product
Kaiser und Volksbank Poster Product Link
Germany, c. 1917
18 x 24 in (46 x 61 cm)
Link to  Schützt Österreichs Freiheit PosterAustria, c. 1940  Product
Schützt Österreichs Freiheit Poster Product Link
Austria, c. 1940
34 x 24 in (86 x 61 cm)
Link to  Staline Aussi -- en luttant pour la LiberteFrance, 1951  Product
Staline Aussi -- en luttant pour la Liberte Product Link
France, 1951
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)