An Appeal to All Our Patriotic People Poster

U.S.A, 1918

41 x 29 in (104 x 74 cm)


Vintage World War I poster encouraging frugal living, with the subsequent savings then being invested in war bonds. The poster's direct appeal to the people, the president, governor, and secretary of the treasury all signing onto the pledge, underscores the deep importance funding was to the success of the American war effort in WWI.

"'I earnestly appeal to every man, woman and child to pledge themselves on or before the 28th of June to save constantly and to buy as regularly as possible the securities of the Government. The 28th of June ends the special period of enlistment to the great army of production and saving here at home. May there be none unenlisted on that day.' Friday, June 28, 1918, has been designated as National War Savings Day. Pledge and buy your limit.

Printer: Matthews-Northrup Works

Year: 1918

Condition: Poor, please note tears. The appearance of tears can be improved by having the poster linen-backed.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at to inquire more.

50-100 national war savings day original poster patriotism size-41x29 vintage poster war bonds war securities woodrow wilson world war 1 world war one WWI

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