Artillerie-Stellungen Poster

Germany, c. 1916

28 x 19 in (71 x 48 cm)

ID #FF12B-PK8-L-#10

"Artillerie-Stellungen am Rennbuckel" (Artillery positions on the Rennbuckel)

This German war poster advertises an exhibition of artillery pieces on the Rennbuckel (Karlsruhe) to raise money for Regiment 50, 1st Artillery Division. The drama of this poster design is just great, shadowy silhouettes of a canon making up the main illustration.

Artist: AK

Printer: Druck von L. Glockner

Year: c. 1916

Please note this can be linen-backed on canvas for an additional price. Please email for more information.

Condition: Excellent, minor piece missing. A linen-backed version is available on our website.

500-1000 foreign fundraiser german germany original posters poster print prints size-28x19 vintage ww1

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