Rally 'Round the Flag with United States Marine Poster

USA, 1916

40 x 31 in (102 x 77 cm)


"Rally 'Round the Flag with United States Marines / 'Soldiers of the Sea' / Your Country Needs You! / Now's the Time to Enlist! / First in Defense On Land or Sea. / Apply today at 24 East 23rd Street, New York, NY"

An original recruiting poster from World War I showing a Marine holding a gun with the American flag waving behind him.

Artist: Sidney H. Risenbeyo

Condition: Fair; please note the pieces missing and restored along borders.

Material: Linen backed on canvas.

All sizes are approximate.

500-1000 enlist marines patriotic poster propaganda size-40-x-30-5 united states vintage poster war poster WWI

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