Chemins de Fer de L'Etat Poster ✓
France, 191228 x 41 in (71 x 104 cm)
Vintage French travel poster advertising the state railways that go from Caen to the sea. Illustrated on the poster is a charming scene of the French countryside in springtime, trees with budding pink leaves visible in the background.
"Chemin de fer de l'etat et de Caen a la mer. Toutes les gares des chemins de fer de l'etat situees a plus de 30 kilometres de Caen, delivrent du Jeudi precedant la Fete des Rameaux au 31 Octobre, pour Luc-Sur-Mer, Langrune-Sur-Mer, St-Aubin-Sur-Mer, Bernieres et Courseulles, des billets de 'Bains de Mer' valables, suivant la distance, 3, 4, 10 et 33 jours." (State railway and Caen to the sea. All state railway stations located more than 30 kilometers from Caen, issue from the Thursday preceding Palm Sunday to October 31, for Luc-Sur-Mer, Langrune-Sur-Mer, St-Aubin-Sur-Mer, Bernieres and Courseulles, 'Sea Baths' tickets valid, depending on the distance, 3, 4, 10 and 33 days.)
Artist: Georges Dorival
Year: 1912
Condition: Good, please note restoration done in the top right corner and along the border
Poster is linen-backed on canvas