Crédit National

War Poster, 1918

45 x 31 in (114 x 79 cm)

ID #LB32x47WAR-L-15

"Credit national bons à lots 6% net émis à Frs. 490 tirages trimestriels ensemble: 9.372.000 Frs. de Lots par an. On souscrit a la banque regionale du centre."

National credit vouchers 6% net issued to Francs 490 quarterly prints together: 9,372,000 Francs lots per year. We subscribe to the regional bank of the center.

This poster was printed in France by the Republican Union.

Condition: Good

Please note this poster is linen backed


250-500 advertisement army fight finance french memorium military money original posters patrotic propaganda retro size-45x31 vintage

More from $250 to $500