Renault Flins Nouvelle Etape #1

France, 1968

41 x 34 in (104 x 86 cm)


"Renault Flins / Nouvelle Etape / Vendredi, flins 5000 crs bloquent l'usine 5heures face aux flics 9000 ouvriers s'unissent pour continuer la greve / 10heures les flics attaquent a la grenade offensive le rassemblement ouvrier"

English translation: "Renault Flins / Nouvelle Etape / Friday, Flins 5000 CRS block the factory for 5 hours facing the cops 9000 workers unite to continue the strike / 10 hours the cops attack the workers' gathering with offensive grenades"

Renault Flins is a French car factory that recorded various strikes during May 68.

Condition: Poor; please note tearing along edges, as well as paper discoloration and fold lines.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 fascism french poster industry mai 68 political politics poster revolution size-41-x-34 unions vintage poster

More from $100 to $250