Voltage Safety Poster

France, c. 1960s

11 x 15 in (28 x 38 cm)


"Le courant à 110 volts peut tuer / Utilisez une baladeuse Isolaée! La Securite Sociale Au Service de la Prevention"

This poster serves as a public service announcement for keeping in mind the amount of volts you use in lamps. Features a great artistic rendition of a lamp using just the right amount of voltage.

Printed by Havas - Paris

Year: c. 1960s

Condition: Fair; please note fold lines and tear along right edge.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

100-250 french lamp original poster psa public service announcement safety size-11-x-15 small vintage vintage poster

More from $100 to $250