NSV Kindergarten Propaganda Poster

Germany, c. 1940

23 x 17 in (58 x 43 cm)

ID #FF19D-PK12-S

"Nach Achtjähriger Arbeit Zählen Wir Am Oberrhein...Über 800 NSV-Kindertages-Stätten Mit 40.000 Kleinkindern. / Das Deutsche Kleinkind Gehört In Den NSV-Kindergarten"

English translation: "After eight years of work, we count on the Upper Rhine...Over 800 NSV daycare centers with 40,000 small children. / The German toddler belongs in the NSV Kindergarden."

Printer: NSDAP

Condition: Poor; please note the heavy folding, creasing, and tearing, including the rip out of the bottom right-hand corner.

Material: Paper

100-250 anti-semitic german germany horizontal nsv political politics poster propaganda racist size-23-x-17 third reich vintage poster world war ii wwii

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