Quicksilver Messenger Service Poster

U.S.A., 1976

31 x 21 in (79 x 53 cm)


"Quicksilver / Kaleidoscope"

This is the third printing poster of Quicksilver Messenger Service, Kaleidoscope, and Charlie Musselwhite at the Avalon Ballroom on January 12, 1968. The later printing of this poster is distinguished by its numbering on the bottom left corner and were all printed by Rick Griffin to distribute at a show in England. It is also labeled as FD101-A as part of Family Dog's collection of posters.

Printer: Family Dog / Rick Griffin

Artist: Rick Griffin

Year: 1976

Condition: Very good.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

avalon ballroom charlie musselwhite concert family dog kaleidoscope music poster quicksilver messenger service red and black rick griffin size-31-x-21 vintage vintage poster

More from $100 to $250