Ned Anti-Oorlog Raad

Netherlands, 1907

38 x 26 in (97 x 66 cm)


"Ned Anti-Oorlog Raad / Programma: Geen Annexatie. Handelsvrijheid in de Koleniën. Statenorcanisatie. Vrijheid der zee Medezeggenschap Volksvert in Buitenl Politiek"

English translation: "Dutch Anti-War Council / Program: No Annexation. Freedom of Trade in the Coal Islands. State Organization. Freedom of the Sea. Codetermination of the People's Government in Foreign Politics"

Artist: Arie M. Luijt

Printer: Lankhout - The Hague

Condition: Poor; please note tape marks, fold lines, and small tears along edges.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

anti-war castle dutch poster medieval political politics poster red poster size-38-x-26 vintage poster

More from $500 to $1,000