Le Chemin du Pardon Poster

France, c. 1925

47 x 32 in (119 x 81 cm)


Title: The Path to Forgiveness

Vintage French poster for an old, little-known movie, Le Chemin du Pardon—one that has been lost to the ages. The poster illustration speaks to the pious themes of this movie, the grieving man's thoughts cleverly illustrated above him in a black and white vignette, allowing the viewer a visual representation of the man's torn psyche.

Artist: H. Armengo

Printer: Imp. de la Cine, Paris

Year: c. 1925

Condition: Good, please note creases and wrinkles along the poster border. The appearance of creases and wrinkles can be improved by having the poster linen-backed.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com to inquire more.

250-500 christian cross film drac foreign film france french french poster movie original poster religious size-47x32 vintage poster