Dr. Gustav Daněk 'Elektrícký akumulátor'
Czech Republic, 195627 x 39 in (69 x 99 cm)
"A-VÝKLAD ČINNOSTI: 1 nabíjení, 2 vybíjení, 3 suroviny (kyselina sírová, olovo, klejt, minium)"
English translation: "A-EXPLANATION OF ACTIVITY: 1 charging, 2 discharging, 3 raw materials (sulfuric acid, lead, lead, minium)"
Detailed illustration of the inner workings of an electric battery engine with numbered labels, primarily created for educational purposes.
Artist: Dr. Gustav Daněk
Publisher: State Pedagogical Publishing House
Condition: Fair; please note discoloration, small tears, and small pieces missing from bottom.
Material: Paper
All sizes are approximate.