Madame de Diable

France, 1882

49 x 33 in (124 x 84 cm)


"Theatre de la Renaissance / Tous les Soirs, à 8 heures 1/2 / Mlle Jeanne Granier / Madame de Diable / Féerie-Opérette en 4 actes et 12 tableaux, dont un prologue, de M.M. H. Meilhac et A. Mortier"

English translation: "Theatre de la Renaissance / Every Evening, at 8:30 / Miss Jeanne Granier / Madame de Diable / Fairytale-Operetta in 4 acts and 12 scenes, including a prologue, by Messrs. H. Meilhac and A. Mortier"

The center illustration was completed by H. Meyer and printed by Fouquet.

Printer: Morris

Condition: Good; please note ink running along bottom as well as the colors of the black border lifting slightly.

Material: Linen backed on acid-free canvas

All sizes are approximate.

1000-2500 french poster play poster renaissance size-49-x-33 theater theatre vintage poster yellow poster