Un Album Biografico Poster

Spain, 1849

18 x 26 in (46 x 66 cm)


"Se regala en el acto en Madrid, y se remite franco a provincias a vuelta de correo del aviso de suscripción, al que se abone por todo el año de 1849 antes del primero de Enero próximo, un album biografico. Museo Universal de Retratos y noticias de las celebridades actuales de todos los países, en las ciencias, la politica, las letras, las artes, la industria, las armas, etc. Su autor D. Ángel Fernández de los Ríos. Edición adornada con unos Doscientos retratos y grabados dibujados por acreditados artistas de Europa y abiertos todos en madera por grabadores españoles." (It is given away on the spot in Madrid, and a biographical album is sent to the provinces by return mail of the subscription notice, to which a biographical album is paid for the entire year of 1849 before the first of January. Universal Museum of Portraits and news of current celebrities from all countries, in science, politics, letters, the arts, industry, weapons, etc. Its author D. Angel Fernandez de los Rios. Edition adorned with some two hundred portraits and engravings drawn by accredited European artists and all opened in wood by Spanish engravers.)

Original vintage Spanish poster advertising a biographical album of art and news. This poster is a rare historical find and offers insight into the cultural landscape of Spain in the mid 19th Century.

Printer: Alhambra Y Comp.

Year: 1849

Condition: Good, please note minor creases and some discoloration

Please note this poster is linen-backed on canvas

19th Century horizontal poster original poster size-18x26 Spain spanish poster vintage poster

More from $250 to $500