Aleksandr Popov (Russian)

USSR, 1950

23 x 16 in (58 x 41 cm)


"СМОТРИТЕ НА ЭКРАНАХ НОВЫЙ ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННЫЙ ФИЛЬМ / В роли Александра Повнем Народный артист СССР. Николай ЧЕРКАСОВ / Производство ордена Ленина киностудия «ЛЕНФИЛЬМ" 1948 г. Выпуси Главиннопромата / АЛЕКСАНДР ПОПОВ"

English translation: "WATCH THE NEW FEATURE FILM ON SCREENS / In the role of Alexander Povnem People's Artist of the USSR. Nikolay CHERKASOV / Production of the Order of Lenin film studio "LENFILM" 1948 Released by Glavinnopromat / ALEXANDER POPOV"

Russian physicist Aleksandr Popov was one of the first people to invent a radio receiving device.

Artist: A. Wamaw

Condition: Good; please note light imperfections on page that indicate age.

Material: Linen backed on acid-free canvas

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 cinema film poster movie poster radio russian film size-23-x-16 vintage poster

More from $100 to $250