Visitez Gand Poster ✓
France, c. 192025 x 41 in (64 x 104 cm)
Vintage Belgian travel poster encouraging tourism to Ghent and the rest of East Flanders. Illustrated on the poster is a delicately rendered imagining of the Chateau des Comtes (Comtes Castle), one of the many tourist attractions in Ghent.
"Chemins de Fer de l'Etat Belge. Visitez Gand et les villes d'art de la Flandre Orientale." (Belgian Sate Railways. Visit Ghent and the art cities of East Flanders.)
Artist: Rene de Cramer
Printer: J. Goffin Fils, Bruxelles
Year: c. 1920
Condition: Very good
Poster is linen-backed on canvas