298 1920's

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  Simone Frévalles Poster #2Vertès  Product
Simone Frévalles Poster #2 Product Link
34 x 50 in (85 x 126 cm)
Link to  Emprunt de VerdunAbel Faivre  Product
Emprunt de Verdun Product Link
Abel Faivre
32 x 48 in (81 x 121 cm)
Link to  Soutenez Les Mission CatholiquesCh. Plessard  Product
Soutenez Les Mission Catholiques Product Link
Ch. Plessard
32 x 48 in (80 x 121 cm)
Link to  Crême SoleilG. Martin  Product
Crême Soleil Product Link
G. Martin
31 x 48 in (79 x 121 cm)
Link to  mauriceJean A. Mercier  Product
maurice Product Link
Jean A. Mercier
31 x 47 in (79 x 119 cm)
Link to  Le Pilori Concert MontéhusA. Dupuis  Product
Le Pilori Concert Montéhus Product Link
A. Dupuis
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Link to  L'Emprunt de la PaixLebasque  Product
L'Emprunt de la Paix Product Link
32 x 45 in (80 x 114 cm)
Link to  Emprunt de la PaixChavannaz  Product
Emprunt de la Paix Product Link
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Emprunt National 1920France - 1920  Product
Emprunt National 1920 Product Link
France - 1920
30 x 44 in (77 x 111 cm)
Link to  G. Chevalier (duplicate)Etienne  Product
G. Chevalier (duplicate) Product Link
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Princesse JoujouClerice Freres  Product
Princesse Joujou Product Link
Clerice Freres
31 x 47 in (79 x 118 cm)
Link to  Aidez-LeP. Rin  Product
Aidez-Le Product Link
P. Rin
32 x 48 in (81 x 121 cm)
Link to  Compagnie AlgerienneHenri Villaice  Product
Compagnie Algerienne Product Link
Henri Villaice
32 x 47 in (81 x 120 cm)
Link to  Ville de Reims Poster ✓France, 1921  Product
Ville de Reims Poster ✓ Product Link
France, 1921
30 x 47 in (76 x 118 cm)
Link to  Banque Industrielle de ChineGeo. Duval  Product
Banque Industrielle de Chine Product Link
Geo. Duval
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  La Journée de PasteurRapin  Product
La Journée de Pasteur Product Link
32 x 48 in (80 x 121 cm)
Link to  Combattez La TuberculoseFrance - c. 1920  Product
Combattez La Tuberculose Product Link
France - c. 1920
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Journée Nationale des TuberculeuxAbel Faivre  Product
Journée Nationale des Tuberculeux Product Link
Abel Faivre
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Les Gais LuronsG. Rombaux  Product
Les Gais Lurons Product Link
G. Rombaux
32 x 49 in (81 x 123 cm)
Link to  l'aventurierR. Peron  Product
l'aventurier Product Link
R. Peron
31 x 47 in (79 x 119 cm)
Link to  Полoжениe (position)Russia - 1927  Product
Полoжениe (position) Product Link
Russia - 1927
29 x 42 in (74 x 107 cm)
Link to  Paul ChevalierGaston Girbal  Product
Paul Chevalier Product Link
Gaston Girbal
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  EncosticAly  Product
Encostic Product Link
31 x 46 in (79 x 117 cm)
Link to  BroguesPaukos Turek  Product
Brogues Product Link
Paukos Turek
33 x 44 in (84 x 112 cm)
Link to  Barcelona RoyaltyJ. Beltraiy  Product
Barcelona Royalty Product Link
J. Beltraiy
31 x 43 in (77 x 110 cm)
Link to  AlmitentoR. Gollelib  Product
Almitento Product Link
R. Gollelib
31 x 48 in (79 x 121 cm)
Link to  La Fille du Garde ChasseFrance - c. 1920  Product
La Fille du Garde Chasse Product Link
France - c. 1920
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Arte PrehistoricoF. Benitez Mellado  Product
Arte Prehistorico Product Link
F. Benitez Mellado
35 x 44 in (89 x 111 cm)
Link to  Prix d'Ete Charbons StumpfGaston Maréchaux  Product
Prix d'Ete Charbons Stumpf Product Link
Gaston Maréchaux
32 x 48 in (81 x 121 cm)
Link to  Foire St. GermainL. Peltiept  Product
Foire St. Germain Product Link
L. Peltiept
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Link to  Crédit Lyonnais Emprunt National 1920Abel Faivre  Product
Crédit Lyonnais Emprunt National 1920 Product Link
Abel Faivre
32 x 47 in (80 x 120 cm)
Link to  Piera NovaGeorges Villa  Product
Piera Nova Product Link
Georges Villa
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Link to  Gaby MorlayGeorges Villa  Product
Gaby Morlay Product Link
Georges Villa
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Helene Pascot PosterHarford  Product
Helene Pascot Poster Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Link to  La Dernière Valse PosterFrance, c.1920  Product
La Dernière Valse Poster Product Link
France, c.1920
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Link to  L'Emprunt National 1920 - Produit - 6%France - 1920 - imp. Aubaud & Salade  Product
L'Emprunt National 1920 - Produit - 6% Product Link
France - 1920 - imp. Aubaud & Salade
30 x 41 in (75 x 104 cm)
Link to  G. ChevalierEtienne  Product
G. Chevalier Product Link
32 x 47 in (80 x 119 cm)
Link to  Thé Lipton PosterFrance, c. 1920  Product
Thé Lipton Poster Product Link
France, c. 1920
63 x 47 in (160 x 119 cm)
Link to  Belgique Spa Poster ✓Belgium, 1928  Product
Belgique Spa Poster ✓ Product Link
Belgium, 1928
25 x 39 in (64 x 98 cm)
Link to  Chathedrale de Bourges Poster ✓France, c. 1920  Product
Chathedrale de Bourges Poster ✓ Product Link
France, c. 1920
29 x 41 in (74 x 104 cm)
Link to  Danmarks Fugleliv Poster ✓Denmark, c. 1926  Product
Danmarks Fugleliv Poster ✓ Product Link
Denmark, c. 1926
28 x 40 in (70 x 100 cm)
Link to  Een Hardvochtige Vader Poster ✓Belgium, 1924  Product
Een Hardvochtige Vader Poster ✓ Product Link
Belgium, 1924
37 x 26 in (94 x 66 cm)
Link to  La Fille de Madame AngotChoppy  Product
La Fille de Madame Angot Product Link
32 x 47 in (80 x 118 cm)
Link to  Das Heilige Land-Aegypten Travel Poster ✓Germany, c. 1926  Product
Das Heilige Land-Aegypten Travel Poster ✓ Product Link
Germany, c. 1926
28 x 39 in (71 x 99 cm)
Link to  Tiffon PosterFrance, 1927  Product
Tiffon Poster Product Link
France, 1927
40 x 54 in (102 x 137 cm)
Link to  UNPKRussia - c. 1920  Product
UNPK Product Link
Russia - c. 1920
28 x 41 in (71 x 104 cm)
Link to  Ville De Bruxelles Poster ✓Belgium, 1923  Product
Ville De Bruxelles Poster ✓ Product Link
Belgium, 1923
26 x 40 in (65 x 100 cm)
Link to  Zwemfeest Grande Fete PosterBelgium, c. 1925  Product
Zwemfeest Grande Fete Poster Product Link
Belgium, c. 1925
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)