Action Newspaper # 5

C. 1968

12 x 17 in (29 x 43 cm)


Title - Action: Vive les Metallos

Newspaper MAI 68

Jean Schalit, former leader of the Union of Communist Students (UEC) had renovated the journal Clarity, press organ of the UEC . From May 4, he proposed to the "staff" student the UNEF , the JCR , the Movement of March 22 ) the creation of a newspaper. The idea is accepted. Schalit works with excluded comrades like him from UEC, Laurent Jézéquel  , André Sénik , Michel-Antoine Burnier , Frédéric Bon 5 , Serge Bosc, Jean-Marcel Bouguereau , Bernard Kouchner , Jean-Paul Dollé , Guy Tissier,Marc Kravetz , as well as Jérôme Savary , André Glucksmann 6 (then assistant of Raymond Aron at the Sorbonne ), and the designers Siné , Jean Bosc , Jean-Pierre Desclozeaux , Reiser , Wolinski , Willem . Jean-Pierre Vigier is the director of the publication.

50 000 copies of the o  1 of the newspaper, sold at auction in the street during the demonstration on Tuesday, May 7 In this first issue, Guy Hocquenghemwrote an article, entitled "Why we fight". The second issue is released on May 13th. Action, a weekly newspaper "produced at the service of the Committees of Action", quickly becomes daily, drawing up to 100,000 copies. The very graphic newspaper adopts the principle of "one-posters", often composed by graphic designer Roman Cieslewicz.

For Michel-Antoine Burnier"the first three issues of Action, released in the effervescence of May '68, are quite conventional militant newspapers that express a cry. It is a newspaper spokesman who wants to spread the leftist narrative of the revolt. The newspaper does not find its look and style until June 5, 1968, when the printers resume work, with some posters made by the types of Fine Arts .

Action disappears definitively on June 2, 1969, after 46 issues published.


art article black and white news newspaper original news original posters original print size-11-5x17 vintage vintage posters

More from $50 to $100