68 All Posters

The Wonderful Wartime Nostalgia Show 'We'll Meet Again' Poster Product Link
England, c. 1970s
15 x 10 in (38 x 25 cm)

Are you going to Harrogate to the first British Advertising Convention Product Link
Britain, C. 1935
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

4 Gofyniad i ddynion sydd heb ymrestru - Ymrestwch Heddyw Product Link
United Kingdom, C. 1916
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)

Join the prosperity team, be a voluntary worker or saver in National Savings Product Link
Britain, C. 1945
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)

Gli Ammutinati Del Bounty -- Mutiny on the Bounty Product Link
Italy, 1971
55 x 78 in (140 x 198 cm)

Sto Koni Do Stu Brzegow (One Hundred Horses to Shore) Product Link
A. Pagowski 1978