Paris a Londres Poster


40 x 27 in (102 x 69 cm)



Vintage French poster advertising railroad trips to London from Paris. Illustrated on the poster is an image of a classic Queen's Guard, his uniform complete with a red suit and a tall bearskin cap. 

"Chemin de fer du nord. Paris a Londres via Calais Boulogne. Traversee maritime en 60 minutes. 4 services rapides dans chaque sens trajet total en 7 heures." (Northern railway. Paris to London via Calais Boulogne. Sea crossing in 60 minutes. 4 rapid services in each direction, total journey in 7 hours.)

Printer: Courmont Freres, Paris

Year: 1895

Condition: Good, please note creases and all four borders of the poster were trimmed

Poster is linen-backed on canvas

500-1000 antique poster british cavalry english france french french poster french travel guard horse london london travel original poster paris queen's guard railroad railway redcoat size-40x27 toc travel poster turn of the century vintage poster

More from $500 to $1,000