105 All Posters

Gifhandel Vergalt Den Vrede - Poison Trade Ruins Peace Product Link
The Netherlands, c. 1945
43 x 31 in (109 x 79 cm)

We Want our Mammies and Daddies Back Product Link
Northern Ireland, c. 1970s
23 x 17 in (58 x 43 cm)

Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice Poster Product Link
USA, 1983
22 x 17 in (56 x 43 cm)

Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice Poster Product Link
USA, 1983
17 x 19 in (43 x 48 cm)

25th Anniversary of the World Peace Movement Poster Product Link
Finland, 1974
39 x 27 in (99 x 69 cm)

The Indonesian Question - United Nations Poster Product Link
U.S.A., c. 1950
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

Kashmir's Legacy of War - United Nations Poster Product Link
U.S.A., c. 1950
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

The Ravages of War - United Nations Poster Product Link
U.S.A., c. 1950
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

The Depletion of Natural Resources - United Nations Poster Product Link
U.S.A., c. 1950
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

Disease, The Eternal Challenge - United Nations Poster Product Link
U.S.A., c. 1950
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

The World's Hungry Millions - United Nations Poster Product Link
U.S.A., c. 1950