Exposition Internationale du Livre et des Industries du Papier
Oge40 x 54 in (102 x 137 cm)
ID #LB39x55-Z-25
Palais de l'Industrie (Champs Elysees) de Juillet a Novembre 1894. Exposition Internationale du Livre et des Industries du Papier. Exposition Artistique sans Precedent. Curieuses Industries & Sections Etrangeres. Le Livres des Femmes Russes. Collections retropectives de Livres, Images, Estampes. Timrbologie Attractions. Les Catacombes de Paris il y a Cent Ans. L'Ecole a Travers les Ages et a Travers le Monde. Orchestre J. Mele, Concerts, Festivals.
Translation: Palace of Industry (Champs Elysees) from July to November 1894. International exhibition of books and paper industries. Unparalleled artistic exhibitions. Curious industries and foreign sections. The book of Russian women. Retrospective collection of books, images, and prints. Trimbologie Attractions. The catacombs of Paris 100 years ago. The school through the ages and through the world. Orchestra J. Mele, concerts, festivals
Artist: Oge. printer Imp Charles Verneau Paris
Year: 1894
Condition: Good, please note discoloration along crease lines top of the poster
The poster is linen-backed on canvas