164 All Posters

La Teresina - Operette en 3 actes Adaptation de Mrs. Leon Uhlet jean Marietti Product Link
France, C. 1929
32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)

Nouvelle Carte Pour Conduire A La Connoissance De La Marine Et A Demontrer La Plus Part Des Instruments Product Link
19 x 25 in (48 x 64 cm)

Cie Gle Transatlantique - French Line/Linea Francesa Product Link
France, C. 1960
18 x 23 in (46 x 58 cm)

Do Your Duty - Join the U.S. Marines - Help Them Defend America on Land and Sea Product Link
USA, 1917
18 x 27 in (46 x 69 cm)

Compagnie Générale Transatlantique -- Lignes de la Méditerranée Product Link
24 x 16 in (61 x 41 cm)

Compagnie de Navigation Sud - Atlantique -- Paquebot "Laennec" Product Link
22 x 20 in (56 x 51 cm)

The Elizabethan Sea Kings by John Fiske -- Atlantic: July Product Link
18 x 12 in (46 x 30 cm)

Sichern - Versichern. Wiener Städtische ✓ Product Link
Austria, C. 1950s
14 x 15 in (36 x 38 cm)

Fete de Charite, Marins Français Naufragés Double Poster Product Link
France, c. 1880