A Map of Saltsjöbaden Poster ✓

Sweden, c. 1930

39 x 26 in (99 x 66 cm)


Vintage Swedish map of Saltsjobaden, "the archipelago half an hours trip from Stockholm, the 7 centuries old capital of Sweden." The detailed imagery on this map is breathtaking: the archipelago illustration is filled with charming images of lavish castles, bountiful forests, and even a ski resort, all bordered by a vivid blue sea. 

Artist: Ernst Akerbladn

Printer: Haeggstrom Lito, Stockholm

Year: c. 1930

Condition: Good, please note minor scratch in the top border

Poster is linen-backed on canvas

*Updated 2022

26x39 500-1000 baggens fjarden compass Ernst Akerbladh europe geography maps medium Original Posters scandinavia size-39-x-26 stockholm Sweden Swedish Swedish Posters travel poster Vintage Posters

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