Révolution a Montsecret Poster

France, c. 1970

16 x 20 in (39 x 51 cm)


"Spectacle Théatral Son et Lumiere / Vendredi 26 Mai, 14 H 30, 21 H 30 / Samedi 27 May, 10 H / Grand Hall - Parc des Expositions / Révolution a Montsecret / Montsecret (petit village de l'Orne) se met à l'heure du Bicentenaire de la Révolution. 150 figurants en costumes d'èpoque retracent la vie quotidienne de leurs ancètres entre 1789 et 1795. / Locations et renseignements: Théâtre Muncipal de Caen"

English translation: "Sound and Light Theater Show / Friday May 26, 2:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. / Saturday May 27, 10 a.m. / Grand Hall - Parc des Expositions / Revolution in Montsecret / Montsecret (small village in Orne) celebrates the Bicentenary of the Revolution . 150 extras in period costumes retrace the daily life of their ancestors between 1789 and 1795. / Rentals and information: Théâtre Muncipal de Caen"

Condition: Good; please note faint lines down the text.

Material: Paper

exposition france french french revolution horizontal montsecret poster size-15-5-x-20 theater theatre vintage poster

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