Els Obrers I L'Esquerra Poster

Spain, 1933

40 x 28 in (102 x 71 cm)


"L'augment de personal municipal (En gran part innecesari i nomenat antireglamentariament) / Per CADA HORA d'oficines la ciutat paga un augment de 4.000 Pessetes per sous del personal ingressat per l'Esquerra. / Per cada dia la ciutat paga un augment de 20.000 Pessetes / I per cada any (dies laborables) la ciutat paga / 5.722.790 Pessetes per augment de personal / Ciutadans!! / ELS OBRERS I L'ESQUERRA / Amb dos anys d'administració de l'Esquerra a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, el nombre d'OBRERS SENSE FEINA. solament a la nostra ciutat, ha passat de 9.324 a 12.074 / Cal detenir la crisi de treball Voteu Lliga Catalana"

This poster condemns the unemployment rates of Barcelona's working class under the current regime and to vote for the Catalan League.

English translation: The increase in municipal staff (To a large extent unnecessary and appointed against the regulations) / For EVERY HOUR of offices the city pays an increase of 4,000 Pesetas for salaries of staff brought in by the Left. / For each day the city pays an increase of 20,000 Pesetas / And for each year (working days) the city pays / 5,722,790 Pesetas for increased staff / Citizens!! / WORKERS AND THE LEFT / With two years of administration from the Left in Barcelona City Council, the number of WORKERS WITHOUT JOB. in our city alone, it has gone from 9,324 to 12,074 / The labor crisis must be stopped Vote Lliga Catalan

Condition: Fair

Material: Paper

barcelona catalan political politics poster propaganda protest size-40-x-28 spain spanish unemployment vintage poster working class

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