No Dittatura Nucleare Poster

Italy, 1979

39 x 28 in (99 x 71 cm)


"Energia SI / Dittatura Nucleare NO / NUCLEARE: UNO SCARSO CONTRIBUTO DI ENERGIA disponibile non prima di 10 anni, mentre una quota almeno 4 volte maggiore può essere ottenuta da fonti pulite e rinnovabili / UN'IMPOSIZIONE voluta dai padroni dell'uranio e della tecnologia nucleare / UN'ORGANIZZAZIONE AUTORITARIA del lavoro e della società / L'AGGRESSIONE alla salute, all'ambiente, al territorio, già saturi di fabbriche d'incidenti, di malattia e di morte / NESSUN MERCATO SULLA NOSTRA VITA NESSUNA HARRISBURG IN ITALIA / Roma Sabato 19 Maggio Manifestazione Nazionale"

The National Committee for the Control of Energy Choices created this poster to promote their National Event to protest nuclear power and promote green energy. This poster's design is reminiscent of a newspaper's and a comic book's, with a hot pink accent over the photograph of the nuclear power plant.

English translation: Energy YES / Nuclear Dictatorship NO / NUCLEAR: A POOR CONTRIBUTION OF ENERGY available no earlier than 10 years, while a share at least 4 times greater can be obtained from clean and renewable sources / AN IMPOSITION desired by the masters of uranium and nuclear technology / AN AUTHORITARIAN ORGANIZATION of work and society / THE AGGRESSION on health, the environment, the territory, already saturated with factories of accidents, illness and death / NO MARKET ON OUR LIVES NO HARRISBURG IN ITALY / Rome, Saturday 19 May, National Demonstration

Condition: Fair

Material: Paper

100-250 energy green energy harrisburg italian italy march nuclear political politics poster propaganda protest rome size-39-x-28 vintage poster

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