Racisme Je Te Hais Poster

France, 1985

24 x 17 in (60 x 43 cm)

ID #FF19D-PK12-S

"Racisme Je Te Hais / Pourquoi se Haïr? On a Deja Si Peu Le Temps de s'Aimer! / Mohamed Moncef Metoui"

A poster from the Association de Solidarité des Africains en France (ASAF) condemning racism.

English translation: "Racism / I hate you / Why Hate Yourself? We already have so little time to love each other!"

Designer: Dominque Lassale

Printer: Attal - Paris

Condition: Good; please note slight creasing throughout

Material: Paper

100-250 africans france french human rights peace political poster protest racism racist size-23-5-x-17 solidarity vintage poster

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