Fete de Charite, Marins Français Naufragés Double Poster

France, c. 1880

110 x 39 in (279 x 99 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-34

These two posters were originally one large banner but were linen-backed separately for greater ease of use. Both posters are sold together. 

Top Poster: Fete de Charite, donnee au benefice de la Societe de Secours aux Familles. (Charity Festival, donated to the benefit of the Family Relief Society.)

Bottom Poster: Reconnue d'Utilite Publique Par Decret du 12 Mars 1880. Sous le Patronage de Monsieur le Ministre de la Marine & de MM. les Senateurs & Deputes du Littoral Avec le Concours de la Musique des Equipages de la Flottes. (French Shipwrecked Sailors. Recognized as being of public utility by decree on March 12, 1880.  Under the patronage of the Minister of the Navy and the Senators and Deputies of the Coastline. With Support from Fleet Crews Music.)

Artist: Jules Cheret

Year: c. 1880

Condition: Good, note minor discoloration

Linen-backed on canvas

500-1000 advertisement art france french jules cheret maritime navy ocean original posters red sailor sea shipwreck size-110x39 textCategory toc turn of the century vintage vintage posters

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