Theatre de la Gaite "Le Grand Mogol"

France, 1884

36 x 50 in (91 x 127 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-123

Tous les soirs. Opera-bouffe a spectacle en 4 actes. Paroles de MM. Chivot & Duru. Musique de M. Edmond Audran.

Translation: Gaite Theatre "The Great Mogul." Every night. Opera-bouffe (French comic opera) show in 4 acts. Script by Mr. Chivot & Duru. Music by Mr. Edmond Audran. 

Printer: Emile Levy, Rue Rameau, Paris

Year: 1884

Condition: Good, please note creases and restoration done on the right side of the poster

Linen-backed on canvas

1000-2500 advertisement art celebration comedy comic opera france french horse opera opera bouffe original posters paris size-36x50 street dance theater toc turn of the century vintage vintage posters

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