Resources of Brazil Poster ✓
Brazil, c. 194414 x 20 in (36 x 51 cm)
Resources of Brazil: Products She Contributes To The Defeat Of The Axis. This poster depicts a pictographic representation of Brazil's exports in the context of World War 2. It also features population, topography, rainfall, and geographic maps. Poster reads: "These maps show the geography and economy of Brazil adn the relation of her popuation topography, and rainfall to those of South America generally. The commodity map shows not only the basic products but also those of less quantitative importance to the Braziliian economy as a whole but still of the utmost value in a war. We rely on these prpducts to keep the Arsenal of Democracy at peak production. The symbols of commodity outposts are only relatively accurate. Teh do not show exact proportions of any one product but the areas of major, intermediate, and minor production"
Condition: Excellent
Please note poster is linen backed