Streets and Canals in Venice 59

USA, 1896

14 x 29 in (36 x 74 cm)


"Streets and Canals in Venice 59"

Black and white plate from 'Streets and Canals in Venice and in the Islands of the Lagoons'.

Plate 59 includes the following note in the book's annex: "THE GREAT COUNCIL HALL, in the Ducal Palace. - This was a kind of Parliament-House where all the patricians who had a right to vote in the passing of Government measures assembled in grand council Henry Ill of France was solemnly received here on occasion of his visit to Venice; here also the fall of the aristocratic Government was voted, and here Venice, striking for liberty, in 1848, proclaimed, "Resistance at any cost. ,, - Domenico Tintoretto adorned this Hall whith his colossal master-piece representing the Last Judgment and Paul Veronese ornamented its ceiling, while Marco Vecellio, Andrea Vicentino and Federico Zuccaro worthily completed its embellishment."

Publisher: Ferd. Ongania - Venice

Printer: D. Appleton and Company - New York

Condition: Good; please note light foxing on the right edge.

Material: Heliogravure

Plate size is 13.5" x 9"

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