Streets and Canals in Venice 6

USA, 1896

14 x 22 in (36 x 56 cm)


"Streets and Canals in Venice 6"

Black and white plate from 'Streets and Canals in Venice and in the Islands of the Lagoons'.

Plate 6 includes the following note in the book's annex: "THE LION'S COLUMN and the island of S. GEORGE THE GREATER, as seen from S. Mark's Square. - The column is of Oriental granite ; the bronze, winged Lion was placed on it in the XV. century, was carried off to Paris by the French in 1797, but compulsorily disgorged by them and brought back to Venice - in pieces - in 1815. S. George's island, as seen from the " Piazzetta ,,, presents a very picturesque appearance. - The church, one of Palladio's finest works, was begun by him in 1565 and finished by Scamozzi in 1610. - The accurate carving of the Stalls in the Choir is worthy of attention: as also are various paintings by Tintoretto, a Crucifix in wood by Michelozzo, etc."

Publisher: Ferd. Ongania - Venice

Printer: D. Appleton and Company - New York

Condition: Good; please note foxing on the top.

Material: Heliogravure

Plate size is 13.5" x 9"

100-250 black and white canal horizontal poster italian poster landscape poster sailing size-14x22 venice vintage poster

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