Streets and Canals in Venice 51

USA, 1896

14 x 22 in (36 x 56 cm)


"Streets and Canals in Venice 51"

Black and white plate from 'Streets and Canals in Venice and in the Islands of the Lagoons'.

Plate 51 includes the following note in the book's annex: "COURTYARD AND STAIRCASE OF THE MINELLI PALACE a S. Paterniano - This very elegant winding staircase, in Lombardic style, was built in the XVth century by order of the partrician family Contarini. The palace of which it forms part has its front on the Canal. From the orininal proprietors it passes into the possession of the Minelli family, and finally into that of the Congregazione di Carità a charitable Society, which has its official residence there."

Publisher: Ferd. Ongania - Venice

Printer: D. Appleton and Company - New York

Condition: Good; please note light foxing.

Material: Heliogravure

Plate size is 13.5" x 9"

100-250 black and white canal horizontal poster italian poster landscape poster sailing size-14x22 venice vintage poster

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